Turnkey Installation
When you decide to increase your ROI with perfected pictures, we can place you into production. We normally schedule the installation date within 30 days from your order.
Site & electriclal plan review
Installation date established
Inventories are imported
Interactive media scripts are installed and tested on your website
Exports to 3rd parties are setup
Admin and media review with Marketing
Installation of 30’ x 30’ metal building w/12’ entry door, 36” man door, and insulation -OR- we install the studio inside your facility (we can customize the studio to your space)
Timeline: 2 days
Installation of Carousel photo studio
Timeline: 4 daysTraining, our team calibrates cameras and installs the computer on day 1, and trains, reveiws media results online, and observes your teams production on day 2
Timeline: 2 days
Ongoing support
Online support console
Phone support
Computer screen share
Control computer, camera settings, and our applications remotely.
Admin training
Here’s a video demonstrating the full process!
Space Allocation
Provide a 30'x30' area within your facility or opt for a purpose-built metal building on your parking lot.
Studio Construction
Our expert team handles every detail, from flooring, walls, ceiling, power doors, carousel, , lights, electrical, control center, to exterior metal cladding, ensuring a seamless installation of all essentials.
Training and Production Launch
Our dedicated training team installs computers, our 5-camera system, and provides comprehensive training to your personnel, ensuring a smooth transition into production.