Tracking Behavioral Attributes to Know Your ROI

Dealermade pays to have before and after statistics reported directly to our clients by a 3rd party statistical company, PureInfluencer Statistics to provide factual, unbias results of our product performance and ROI. Pureinfluencer Statistics tracks 242 behavioral attributes to obtain and deliver these facts. Here’s a detailed exploration of many common and advanced behavioral attributes that analytics platforms like PureInfluencer typically track. These attributes aim to provide comprehensive insights into how users interact with a website, focusing on engagement, navigation, and content interaction.

Core Behavioral Attributes

  1. Scroll Depth: Measures how far users scroll on a page (e.g., percentage scrolled, scroll pauses).

  2. Time on Page: Tracks how long users stay on specific pages.

  3. Time on Site: Captures the total time spent during a single session across the website.

  4. Mouse Movements: Tracks cursor paths to identify areas of interest or hesitation.

  5. Click Patterns: Measures the number, frequency, and placement of clicks on buttons, images, and links.

  6. Page Views: Counts the total and unique page visits during a session.

  7. Exit Rate: Analyzes the pages where users most often leave the website.

  8. Bounce Rate: Tracks sessions where users view only one page before leaving.

Image-Specific Interaction Metrics

  1. Picture Click-Throughs: Measures clicks on images to view them in more detail or access linked content.

  2. Gallery Interaction: Tracks swipes or clicks to view multiple images in a carousel or gallery.

  3. Image Zoom Activity: Identifies when users zoom in on specific images, signaling interest in detail.

  4. Time Spent Viewing Images: Measures how long users interact with or focus on pictures.

Engagement Metrics

  1. Content Scroll Frequency: Tracks how often users scroll content up or down.

  2. Engagement Hotspots: Maps areas of a page that receive the most attention, such as images or call-to-action buttons.

  3. Interaction Per Session: Measures the total number of interactions (clicks, scrolls, image views) in one visit.

  4. Idle Time: Tracks periods of inactivity during a session.

Navigation Patterns

  1. Entry Points: Identifies the first page users land on during their visit.

  2. Navigation Path: Tracks the sequence of pages a user visits in one session.

  3. Backtracking: Measures when users navigate back to previously viewed pages.

  4. Next Page Prediction: Uses AI to predict which page a user is most likely to visit next.

Behavioral Patterns

  1. Session Repetition: Tracks how often users return to the site within a specific timeframe.

  2. Frequency of Visits: Measures how frequently a user visits the website over a given period.

  3. Engagement Consistency: Analyzes how steady or variable engagement is during a session.

Video and Interactive Content Engagement

  1. Video Play Rate: Tracks how often users play videos embedded on the site.

  2. Video Completion Rate: Measures how often users watch videos to the end.

  3. Interactive Content Clicks: Tracks clicks on interactive elements like configurators or virtual tours.

AI-Driven Behavioral Attributes

  1. Engagement Prediction: Uses AI to forecast whether a user is likely to complete an action based on past behaviors.

  2. Qualified User Scoring: Assigns a score to users based on engagement depth and likelihood to convert.

  3. Anomaly Detection: Identifies unusual behaviors, such as erratic navigation or repeated clicks.

Form Interaction Metrics

  1. Form Completion Rate: Tracks the percentage of users who successfully complete forms.

  2. Form Abandonment Rate: Measures how often users begin but do not finish filling out forms.

  3. Field Engagement: Tracks which fields in forms are most often interacted with or skipped.

Device and Technical Behavior

  1. Device Type: Identifies whether users are on mobile, desktop, or tablet.

  2. Browser Details: Tracks user agents, browser types, and versions.

  3. Load Time Engagement: Measures how user behavior changes based on page load times.

Advanced Metrics Enabled by Machine Learning

  1. Scroll Intent Mapping: Analyzes pauses and speeds during scrolling to infer content interest.

  2. Attention Heatmaps: Visualizes the parts of the page that hold users’ focus the longest.

  3. Behavioral Segmentation: Groups users by interaction patterns to identify distinct user personas.

  4. Engagement Decay Rate: Tracks how quickly user attention diminishes after landing on a page.

  5. Conversion Likelihood Score: Assigns a likelihood score based on combined behaviors such as image clicks, scrolls, and time spent on the site.

Why It Matters

PureInfluencer Statistics combines these behavioral variables with AI and machine learning to move beyond static algorithms. Instead, it adapts based on actual customer behavior, providing insights that are actionable for optimizing user experience and improving conversions. By analyzing how users interact with elements like images, galleries, and call-to-action buttons, it highlights the critical role high-quality visuals play in driving engagement and sales.


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